Nicolas Nadeau-

Graduated the Rhode Island School of Design in 2010 with a BFA.

He is currently living in Austin, Texas.


Portraits - as you might expect, is an ongoing series depicting friends, acquaintances and their animals.

Laocoön takes its inspiration from the famous sculpture in the Museo Pio Clemementino. In some versions of the Laocoön myth, he is punished by the gods (along with his sons) for an act of impiety. In others, the punishment comes because of his warning to the Trojans regarding the treachery of the infamous horse. When viewed in this way, the story becomes one of profound nihilism. Right or wrong, the tragic Laocoön is doomed and in his final suffering, becomes one of the most profound images of human anguish in the history of art. 

The series- Imagined Worlds has been ongoing for several years and is represented on this site by selections that best reflect the concept of the project. The idea is to tread the hazy space between abstract and representational art by rooting formal explorations in the language of landscape painting.

Nicolas Nadeau Instagram


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